Adjusting 9" Hydraulic Brakes

View how to adjust 9" Hydraulic Brakes here:-

ALKPB201205 Adjusting 9inch Hydraulic Brake Shoes | AL-KO (

Adjusting 9” Hydraulic Brakes Procedure Tools Required o 16mm Ring Spanner With the 9” Backing Plate & Hub Drum already fitted & wheel bearings adjusted Using a 16mm Ring Spanner, adjust the brakes by rotating the brake shoe adjuster cams. Each Backing Plate has two adjuster cams, one for the Primary Brake Shoe & one for the Secondary Brake Shoe; as seen in FIG 1 & FIG 2.

Adjusting Brake Shoe Adjuster Cams Locating ring spanner on one of the adjuster cams rotate cam towards the Hydraulic cylinder while rotating Hub Drum, this will lock the brake shoe against the Hub Drum. Rotate cam away from Hydraulic Cylinder just until no brake shoe resistance is felt. For the second time rotate adjuster cam towards the Hydraulic cylinder while rotating Hub Drum; adjustment will be complete when brake shoe drag can be heard & felt while still being able to freely rotate the Hub Drum. Repeat above steps to adjust second brake shoe.

NOTE: Brake Adjustment As Shown Above Is A Guide Only, Once The Wheels Are Fitted The Brake Shoe Resistance May Feel Different & Require The Brakes To be Further Adjusted.